
WorldEdit comes with a few commands help you make shapes without the use of a region selection. Instead, it takes the block that you are standing in as the center of these shapes.


;sphere [-hr] <pattern> <radius> [radiusY] [radiusZ]
;hsphere [-r] <pattern> <radius> [radiusY] [radiusZ]
This generates a sphere or spheroid of any dimensions. You can also define 2, or 3 numbers to define the radius in different axes. -h makes it hollow, and -r raises the sphere's bottom to the origin.


;cyl [-hr] <pattern> <radius> ([radiusY]) [height]
;hcyl [-r] <pattern> <radius> ([radiusY]) [height]
This generates a cylinder of any dimensions. You can also define 2 numbers to define the radius in different axes. Again, -h makes it hollow, and -r raises the its bottom to the origin.


;pyramid [-h] <pattern> <size>
;hpyramid <pattern> <size>
This generates a pyramid. Unlike the previous two shapes, the center is at the base of the pyramid.