
Brush tools are a more specific set of tools. They're meant to sculpt, shape and paint the world. You can bind a brush to any vanilla shovels, as long as you are holding it. For example, ;brush sphere log 5 Binds a spgere brush to a held shovel,

You can unbind a brush from a shovel with ;brush none.

Brush Listing

Sphere Brush

;brush sphere [-h] <pattern> <radius>
The sphere brush creates a sphere of blocks wherever it hits. It's a brush you'll likely use most often. -h makes the shape hollow.

Cylinder Brush

;brush cylinder [-h] <pattern> <radius> [height]
The cylinder brush creates a cylinder of blocks wherever it hits. Again, -h makes it hollow.

Smooth Brush

;brush smooth [radius] [iterations] [mask]
The smooth brush smoothes down terrain on use. iterations will specify how much the terrain will get smooth.

Brush Settings

A few things about a brush can be adjusted to better fit your situation.


;size <size>
This changes the size of the area the brush affects.


;range <range>
This changes the how far the brush can reach. If hits the limit, then it will apply mid-air.


;material <pattern>
This changes what blocks the brush can make. This will only work on brushes that create blocks.


;mask [mask]
This changes what blocks the brush can affect. This mask is also used in combination with the global mask.

Trace Mask

;tracemask [mask]
This changes the blocks what this brush can trace through before hitting something that matches this mask. Useful if you want to build through certain blocks.

Configuring the Brush without Commands

You can also set up brushes within the Kit's Config Menu. using the item will show another button that will let you edit each brush item as instructed by WorldEdit.