Region Operations

Besides clipboard operations, there are other thing you can do with your selection.

Setting Blocks

The set command is a simple command (;set <pattern: Pattern>) that sets all the blocks in your selection to a specified pattern.


;set stone

Sets the region to stone.

;set 75%air,25%wool[color=orange]

Sets the region to 3/4 air, and 1/4 orange wool.

Replacing Blocks

You can use the replace command (;replace <mask: Mask> <pattern: Pattern>) when you only want to set specific blocks in your selection.


;replace air water

Replaces air with water.

;replace grass,dirt log

Replaces grass and dirt with oak logs.


The stack command repeats your selection, in a certain direction (;stack <times: int> [direction: Direction]). Useful for when you want to build something with a repeating pattern; like bridges, hallways, and rows of pillars.

Direction by default is the one you are currently facing. There are other directions you can choose too.

forward, back, left and right are all directions relative to where you're facing; up, down, north, south, east and west are all directions relative to the world.


You can also reference these directions by their initial. Eg: 'north' can simply be typed as 'n'.


Suppose you think a build would look better if it were nudged a little to the right. Rather than cutting and pasting the build, you also have the option of using the move command to adjust the its position (;move <amount: int> [direction: Direction]).


The rotate command allows you to rotate your builds around you (;rotate [-ows] <rotate: int>). By default, it affects the clipboard, but adding the -w flag will make it affect your selection instead. -o makes it rotate around its center, and -s changes your selection to fit the rotated build (only works with the -w flag).


The flip command flips your builds in a direction of your choice around you (;flip [-ows] [direction: Direction]). The flags here do the same things as the ones for ;rotate.

Lines, Walls, and Faces

The ;line, ;walls and ;faces commands are all simple commands that only need a pattern to work, but are also affected by the global mask. They all do what they say. ;line makes a line from the first to the second position, ;walls makes walls around the selection, and ;faces surrounds the selection with an outline (like ;walls, but with a floor and ceiling).

Reading and Changing Biomes

Two commands are available to read and set biomes respectively. ;biomeinfo and ;setbiome. With ;biomeinfo you can get a list of biomes that the selection is covering. You can also do ;biomeinfo -p to get the biome at your current position.


For this command to work, you must have the Molang Features experimental toggle enabled. Otherwise it will just give you unknown.

As for setting biomes, that's done with ;setbiome <biome> and you can change how parts of the world look and operate with it. Whether it be the colour of the grass, or whether rain or snow (or nothing) falls. Note that due to limitations, these changes won't apply on their own. To do that, you need to exit the world, and process it with the WorldEdit app.